Wednesday, September 30, 2015

[北海道] 日本人教我開車的20件事

  1. 第一個被要求的事:不可以開太慢
  2. 最常被日本友人喝斥的事:一時停止要完全停車
  3. 損失最慘重的事:日幣九萬修理相機
  4. 會被日本友人打頭的事:平交道(踏み切り)要完全停車
  5. 最難過的事:野生動物被撞死了
  6. 最佩服的事:即使五分鐘鄉下路程,日本友人也絕不酒駕
  7. 最須提醒的事:救護車要30分鐘以上才會到
  8. 每天都會做的事:開車追夕陽
  9. 車內一定要有的東西:毛巾

00:34 全員繫安全帶、孩童安全座椅。
00:52 日本左側通行。
01:05 一時停止(台灣無此義務,必看)。
01:28 超車(習慣和台灣不同)。
02:05 北海道型車禍。
02:45 動物飛出。
03:03 撞到鹿的行車紀錄,看了很難過。
03:18 分心容易出事。
03:46 交岔路口出事。
04:24 停車場注意事項。
04:51 濃霧。
05:08 加油站。
06:04 結凍路面和雪路。
07:18 暴風雪。
08:29 發生事故時。
09:18 喝酒絕對禁止開車。

Saturday, August 29, 2015

[藍BLUE] 蘋果電腦桌布在這拍的...青い池、神の子池 Mac OS wallpaper is photographed here...Blue Pond, Kaminoko Pond

你可能看過Mac OS X Mountain Lion 桌布。
Have you ever seen wallpapers from OS X Mountain Lion?
One of them is taken by Kent Shiraishi in Blue Pond, Biei.
Mac OS X wallpaper, photographed by Kent Shiraishi,
at Blue Pond, Biei 美瑛‧青い池

13:36 July 8, 2015 晴 sunny
美瑛‧青い池 Blue Pond, Biei

Another secret pond of Hokkaido has different blue hue.
15:39, July 22, 2015 霧foggy
清里‧神の子池 Kaminoko Pond, Kiyosato

Friday, August 28, 2015

[ 知床八景 ] オロンコ岩360°看夕陽、滿月、海鷗!Watching the sunset, the full moon, and gulls with a 360° commanding view in ORONKO Rock, Shiretoko

如果只剩20分鐘可以看夕陽,那推薦你登上オロンコ岩(ORONKO) 看知床夕陽,尤其遇上滿月,更棒!

Watching the sunset is a must-be activity in Shiretoko.
If you arrive at Shiretoko after 17:30, without cars, and 20 minutes left to watch the sunset,
I recommend that you go up to ORONKO Rock, especially on a calendar which is the full moon.

Oronko Rock is the only one spot with 360° view of Utoro.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

[羅臼私房景點] 滿潮就沉入海底的秘湯! onsen submerged during high tide

Which ocean onsen do you prefer?






Sunday, August 9, 2015

[知床八景] 夏天鄂霍次克海的夕陽 Sunset beyond Sea of Okhotsk in summer




17:41 Aug. 9, 2015 Puyuni Cape

18:33, Aug. 1, 2015 Puyuni Cape 
18:36, Aug. 1, 2015, Puyuni Cape 

18:37, Aug. 1, 2015 Puyuni Cape 
18:43, Aug. 1, 2015 幌別川 Horobetsu River 
18:43, Aug. 1, 2015 宇登呂港 Utoro Harbor
18:49, Aug. 1, 2015, 宇登呂道の駅旁 near Utoro Shirietoku
開車回到Iruka Hotel,飯店(非民宿)二樓隨時自取咖啡和茶,播放著爵士樂,但推開門到外面露臺喝,還是一樣安靜地聽著夕陽落入海中後的安可曲。

18:52, Aug. 1, 2015 terrace of Iruka Hotel
18:52, Aug. 1, 2015 photographed at Iruka Hotel
Iruka Hotel就靠著剛剛看到的Chashikotsuチャシコツ岩,所以這沒有外來的人車,卻可以走進海邊,由於飯店只有13間房,所以也不會有不自重的房客在海邊喧鬧 (沒錯,我大老遠來「最後的秘境」,就是想圖個清靜)。
18:54, Aug. 1, 2015 the wave-cut platform
in front of Chashikotsu Rock,
photographed at Iruka Hotel

8月2日多雲,風速快 Aug 2, windy&cloudy

8月3日雲淡風輕 Aug. 3, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

[知床私房景點] 旅遊書沒有的ポンホロ幻の沼 Ponhoro, not in any guidebook

Here is the secret Ponhoro on the web page of Shiretoko Forest Center.

However, here is the secret Ponhoro I see..... Where is the swamp? Illusion?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

[知床] 海闊天空宇登呂"Shiretoko's sky has no limits."-Utoro

The photo series explain why I visit Shiretoko twice this year.

10:38, Jan. 26, 2015
17:20, Aug 14, 2015

16:48, July 23, 2015
18:52, Aug. 1, 2015
06:00 Sep. 12, 2015 provided by スーさん

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

[清里私房景點] 櫻花鮭,一生懸命躍瀑布 Cherry salmon jumping over falls!

The perfect moment!

Every summer, natal Shari River, abounds in 3000 cherry salmon, which are jumping over 3.7-meter-high Sakura Waterfall, moving to the headwaters for spawning. 
Watching them trying the best but bouncing off the waterfall, I was moved to tears.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

[知床私房景點] 夕陽秘境 Sunset arcana of Iruka Hotel

低調公開知床Iruka Hotel有個看夕陽的小秘境。
Few tourists know that Iruka Hotel has an arcana to enjoy the sunset.

太陽已經沉入海底,但此時Iruka Hotel的無敵海景正美......
The sun has sunk into the sea. Look at the breathtaking ocean view of Iruka Hotel...
某天,這塊大骰子石頭從チャシコツ崎掉到Iruka Hotel前面的海蝕平台,就像是在泡粉紅色的溫泉。
The huge stone, falling from Chashikotsu Rock, looks like taking a pink onsen in the wave-cut platform.  

Friday, July 17, 2015

[知床觀光船] 從海上看熊‧海豚‧絕種海鳥‧ Watching brown bears, dolphins, and threatened seabirds

知床觀光船三小時全紀錄。I recommend you spend 3 hours taking the cruise.

It is my first time to have a telephoto lens, so I have a brave soul to stand in the front of the cruise. See the guy's telephoto lens which is as long as his arm.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

[知床] 熊出沒注意 Watch out for bears in Shiretoko

One TV reporter of Taiwan should be ashamed of her report on bears in Shiretoko. She says, "The black bear even stuck to the car to look for the tourist's handout." 

Following is the true story,

Saturday, July 11, 2015

[知床八景]走上熱瀑布!Walk up to the warm Kamuiwakka Waterfall

Even though I'm not a ninja, it's easy to WALK UP to WARM Kamuiwakka Waterfall!

Is there anyone at the parking lot who could take photos of me?

Monday, January 26, 2015

[知床] 流冰漫步 Drift ice walk, Shiretoko

Can we walk on the drift ice in January? Yes. And it is so breathtaking that I decide to spend my summer vacation in Shiretoko.